The use of electricity is regulated as a national asset, but do you know who regulates it and what are the administrative provisions? Here we explain what the Grid Code is, what it is for and its advantages.

What is the grid code?

The Grid Code was issued in 2016. The document corresponds to the general administrative provisions that establish the criteria for efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity, safety and sustainability of the National Electric System (SEN).

They are part of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE) and are issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). The CRE is in charge of inspecting SEN users to verify compliance with the code. They apply to transporters, distributors, generators, marketers, suppliers, power plants, load centers and the National Energy Control Center (CENACE).

What is it for?

Estas disposiciones sirven para establecer los requerimientos técnicos mínimos para procesos de la infraestructura eléctrica ya sea operativo, planeación, medición, control y uso. Con ellos se plantean los estándares de operación necesarios para suministrar energía eléctrica a los usuarios y abastecer su consumo eléctrico.

These provisions serve to establish the minimum technical requirements for electrical infrastructure processes, whether operational, planning, metering, control and use. They establish the operating standards necessary to supply electric power to users and supply their electricity consumption.

Among the technical requirements included in the Grid Code are:
voltage, frequency, short circuit, power factor, power quality, power control, protections, etc.

Grid Code Advantages

  • The first and most important advantage is that you will avoid the penalties of not complying with the Network Code. Penalties range from fines of 50,000 to 200,000 minimum wages, a fine of 2% – 10% of the previous year’s total billing, to indefinite disconnection of service.
  • Allows industrial users to audit their electricity supplier as they are aware of a greater number of energy parameters and will be able to detect disturbances or bad practices.
  • Improves power quality and efficiency of electrical equipment.
  • By complying with the code, it is possible to determine whether an electrical fault is internal or external, thus making the originator of the faults in the system responsible.
  • If the entire system implements the Grid Code, the power compliance factor can be increased by 0.95.
  • Grid monitoring tools include configuration wizards that facilitate code implementation.
  • Improve power quality and optimize production processes in different industries.
  • The actions and strategies are customized to each company, because the important thing is to comply with the provisions and each company decides how to do it.

Grid Code Disadvantages

  • Grid monitoring tools must be available, as well as an expert who can analyze the data.
  • To achieve compliance with the Grid Code, a diagnosis, monitoring and constant study of the electrical installations is needed to know the current situation and how to improve it.
  • Failure to comply with the Grid Code will result in various penalties, such as fines and corrections imposed by CENACE.

Compliance with the Grid Code is mandatory for everyone belonging to the National Electric System (SEN) so you should consider investing in tools and advice that suit the needs of your company.

Alher Sem is a company with more than 15 years of experience that offers Engineering and Multi-technical solutions in the Industrial, Commercial and Services Sectors. Conformed with a team of expert professionals in the subject.

To learn more about the Grid Code and our consulting and implementation service click here.


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