Prevents hydraulic problems
With a proper hydraulic installation
The efficient and lasting operation of a hydraulic installation depends on several factors, such as the quality of the materials and products, but above all on the quality of the technical installation work.
The availability of potable water is one of the basic demands of the population as it directly affects their health and general wellbeing, however, in many occasions it is not until a major malfunction occurs when we turn to verify the physical state of the pipes and connections, looking for an expert to correct the problem in an emergency.
Professional service is fundamental to guarantee a reliable and long-lasting hydraulic installation, especially in these times when technology has advanced and systems have become more sophisticated and intelligent. The lack of formal preparation and the absence of verification of the work is still an important pending issue in the industry.
Hydraulic installation

A hydraulic installation can be defined as the set of pipes, furniture, accessories, fittings, connections and equipment that allow the efficient supply of hot and cold water in a building.
The Mexican standard for the construction of facilities applies to all builders and developers in the construction of new housing within the national territory, as well as for the elements that make up the plumbing installation, starting from the house connection and the first sanitary register to the interior of the dwelling. It is important to clarify that the standards apply to products and materials, but it is the builders, developers and installers who must demand that the materials they specify and install in their projects comply with the standards and, above all, that they have the corresponding certification, since currently any manufacturer can engrave in its pipes pressures and temperatures that do not necessarily meet the minimum quality standards, such as: hydrostatic pressure, softening temperature, resistance to impact, crushing, thermal reversion, among others.
Installing pipes of one material or another will depend on the taste and experience of each engineer, architect or technician, as well as the use and characteristics of the building and its context (location, climate or type of water available, to name a few factors), the budget allocated and the possible modifications that the installation will have in the short or medium term. Regardless of whether the pipes and fittings are made of copper, CPVC, PEX or PPR, the technician must know very well the installation technique, but above all, design and calculate correctly the sizing of the system to prevent failures in the short term.
System sizing

An error in the sizing of the hydraulic system can generate, in the best of cases, only an excessive economic expense (in case of over-sizing), but in more serious situations (under-sizing), it can cause an insufficient water supply, or a supply with excessive pressure that causes premature deterioration, failures and ruptures in the pipes. The relationship between water pressure and velocity within a hydraulic system is sometimes confused. At the same diameter of a pipe in which the operating regime of the pump that transmits the pressure to the fluid is not modified, when its speed increases, what it implies is an increase in the flow rate, keeping the pressure constant.
Water pressure is the amount of force exerted on the water to move it from one place to another, or the amount of force that the water has when leaving the pipe or tap. In an installation, water pressure is usually generated by gravity, although it can also be caused by a hydropneumatic. Water flow and water pressure have different units of measurement. The first is measured in liters per second, as it is a measure of the amount of liquid dispensed. Water pressure is measured in kilopascals (kPa). It is a measure of how much stress or force is placed on the water as it moves through the pipes.
Installation failures

In the installation of pipes that carry potable water, important challenges arise, especially when trying to install a large number of sections in a short time, without interfering with other services such as electricity and discharge pipes, in this context, failures such as the following arise:
In CPVC systems we can cite the following failures, when the amount of solvent cement is exceeded on the joints, a buckling of the piece can occur in a short time, and then a breakage of the pipe section near the connection or node; having as a consequence a deformation and weakening of the pipe walls. The technicians define this situation as an excess of welding in the external or internal part of the pipe, also presenting residues and impurities under the solvent cement.
PPR systems
In the search for a water conduction system capable of withstanding high temperatures and pressures, also trying to overcome the jointing problems of conventional pipes, German researchers developed more than 25 years ago a revolutionary material, Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPR).
PPR pipes are subject to thermal expansion, just like all other construction materials, which means that these expansions must be compensated for when calculating the installation. Embedded pipes absorb this expansion towards the interior and have to be calculated between fixed points or changes of direction. If the dilatation is not much and the installation can absorb it, it is best to allow mobility at the ends. If this mobility cannot be allowed and the dilatation is not great, expansion joints can be used.
Copper systems

Copper continues to be one of the most widely used materials in pressure piping networks, present in the installations of our buildings and homes. Its efficiency, durability and high resistance make copper pipes one of the favorites in hydraulic installations.
Unfortunately, the origin of the failures in this type of installations are not attributable to copper as a material, but rather to defects in the welding process of the joints; incorrect combination with iron pipes and the absence of filtration systems that allow limiting the size of the particles in suspension that the water transports.
Professional advice
Professionals recommend maintaining a minimum separation of one meter with respect to the drainage pipe, try to place the pipe on the periphery or as close to the edge as possible, if it is placed in the center it would be necessary to break the floor to correct eventual leaks. The cold water and hot water pipes should be approximately 20 cm apart. In general, hot water outlets are always placed on the left side, while cold water outlets are always placed on the right side. It is recommended that all units have a stopcock so that in the future, in the event of a leak or if the unit needs to be replaced, it will not be necessary to close the general stopcock of the installation, but only the stopcock of the unit in question. The standard heights of the pipes that feed the furniture are: washbasin, 80 cm; WC 40 cm; shower faucet, 130 cm; shower outlet, 200 cm.
Finally, it is advisable to always use materials of proven quality and certified by a manufacturer or prestigious distributor. To know very well the characteristics of the materials, as well as to take installation or updating courses or workshops. It is recommended to perform at least two water tightness tests to detect water leaks, it is suggested that the first one be performed before filling the slabs with concrete and the second one before installing the sanitary fixtures.
At Alher sem we carry out hydraulic, sanitary and pluvial installations, complying with the local regulations in each project.
As a whole we work on installations of:
- Conceptual, basic and detailed design.
- Pumping and hydropneumatic systems.
- Steel, PVC, CPVC, PPR, FoFo pipes and accessories.
- Placement of furniture, bathroom fixtures and drainpipes.
- Sanitary networks.
We are experts in performing quality installations and our clients and success stories back us up.
Write us to learn more about our plumbing installations.
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