Small and medium-sized companies in the country are probably in danger of closing their doors, this could happen for not complying with the Grid Code, as stipulated by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), What is it about? This commission specifies that any company operating in high and medium voltage, are required to comply with standards of the Grid Code (GC), starting in 2019.

According to Salerno y Asociados Expertos en Energía, according to the current situation, 90% of the small or medium companies in Mexico that operate with the characteristics specified above, which are provided by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), do not comply with said GC regulations.

Most important of all, what could be the consequences of not respecting the Grid Code?

Regardless of the economic loss, failure to comply with such regulations may result in the following consequences:

  • Fines imposed by the CRE, ranging from 5 to 20 MDP, in a first call.
  • Fines of 2 to 10% of last year’s gross income in a second call.
  • In a third and final call for attention, they perform the total disconnection of the electric system.

What is the purpose of the Grid Code?

Its objective is to improve the quality and stability of the National Electric System at all levels. The generation and consumption of energy are factors that must be improved, so it follows that the GC will benefit everyone forever, of course, as long as it is complied with.

The current percentage of companies that have not yet implemented the GC is somewhat worrying, since it not only endanger the energy aspect, but also affects the economic part, since if they reach the third call, they may be in danger of disappearing.

It would be advisable that all the companies within the stipulated in the GC, carry out their regulations, in order to achieve a balance and equity and not run the risk of power outage.

Do not leave aside the regulations because they generate benefits as a whole.

We can support you and offer you our energy audit services, so that you can take advantage of all your resources in an adequate way.


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