1. Electricity
  2. Hydraulic
  3. Sanitary
  4. LP Gas
  5. Fire Protection
  6. Voice and Data

LP Gas Installations

lp gas installation

LP-Gas installations are the set of tanks, regulators, meters, pipes, valves, connections, furniture and accessories in buildings. LP Gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum that are liquefied inside a container and is gaseous at ambient temperature and pressures. Due to its flammability and explosiveness, the installations must be carried out by specialists based on regulations.

We perform LP Gas installations for different types of buildings and applications such as:

  • Stationary tanks.
  • Filling line.
  • Meters.
  • Service lines.
  • LP Gas outlets.
  • Placement of furniture and accessories.
  • Testing and verification.

Works with different materials such as Copper type L and M, PE-AL-PE, BLACK STEEL.

lp gas installation